"All Science Is Wrong, Concludes Esteemed Fox News Panel"
Jonathan Chait at New York Magazine exposes the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of "conservatism's" foremost alleged "intellectuals." "Conservative intellectual" has truly become an oxymoron:
There is no issue where educated ignorance is
on more perfect display than Post columnists,
and Fox News All-Star panelists. They numbered among the select
conservative intellectuals chosen to dine with newly elected president
Barack Obama in 2009.
watching the conservative movement confront
scientific evidence of climate change. Educated ignorance is not the
same thing as the regular kind of ignorance. It takes real talent to
master. George F. Will and Charles Krauthammer are two of the
intellectual giants of the right, former winners of the Bradley
Foundation’s $250,000 annual prize, Washington
On their Fox News All-Star Panel appearance this week,
both men discussed the U.S. National Climate Assessment, which they
dismissed with various irritable mental gestures. Their evasions and
misstatements, clothed in faux-erudition, offer a useful entrance point to study the current state of the right-wing mind.
follows is an annotated analysis of Will and Krauthammer’s remarks, the
intellectual quality of which starts off low, and grows increasingly
and even frighteningly so as the program progresses. After a brief
introduction of the climate report, we begin with Krauthammer:
they tell you is that you should be scared about what's happening
today. Of course, if it's very cold in the winter, they blame it, here
in the northeast, they blame it on global warming, and the report says
that global warming makes summers hotter and winters are generally
shorter and warmer.
In one sentence, Krauthammer claims “they” blame
every cold winter on climate change, but does not identify who “they”
is. In the next sentence, he correctly says that the climate assessment
links climate change with shorter, warmer winters in the United States,
negating his previous point.
Any scientific theory that explains everything
explains nothing, and no matter what happens in climate is unpleasant,
the word for that is weather, it's attributed to global warming. If we
continue global warming up here in the northeast, we're going to freeze
to death.
It is not clear what Krauthammer means when he
says climate science “explains everything.” Climate science is an
attempt to model the complex impact of heat-trapping gasses in the
atmosphere. It does not attempt to explain “everything” more than, say,
the Theory of Gravity does. (In fact, it attempts to explain less, as it
contains more room for unpredictability.) It is also impossible to
understand exactly what Krauthammer’s line about freezing to death even
means. The report does in fact describe dangerous and costly impacts in the Northeast:
“Heat waves, coastal flooding, and river flooding
will pose a growing challenge to the region’s environmental, social, and
economic systems. This will increase the vulnerability of the region’s
residents, especially its most disadvantaged populations.
Infrastructure will be increasingly compromised by
climate-related hazards, including sea level rise, coastal flooding, and
intense precipitation events.
Agriculture, fisheries, and ecosystems will be increasingly
compromised over the next century by climate change impacts. Farmers can
explore new crop options, but these adaptations are not cost- or
risk-free. Moreover, inequities exist in adaptive capacity, which could
be overwhelmed by changing climate.”
Krauthammer goes on to endorse comments by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell:
But the most important element is what McConnell
was talking about, the negligible gains. Assume they are right about
global warming, assume that it is all caused by man. The United States
has reduced carbon emissions since 2006 more than any other country on
earth. We are right now at 1992 levels, according to the International
Energy Agency, and yet carbon emissions have gone up globally. Why? We
don't control the emissions of the other 96 percent of humanity,
especially China and India. As we dismantle the coal plants in our
country, China and India together are adding one coal-fired plant every
week. The net effect is to shift the U.S. coal energy generating
industry from here to India and China. It will have zero effect.
If we could have a pact with other countries in which everybody
would reduce their emissions, I would sign on. In the absence of it,
all that we're doing is committing economic suicide in the name of
do-goodism that will not do an iota of good.
Krauthammer asserts, with an air of unassailable
confidence, that reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions will have no
significant impact on worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, because “we
don't control the emissions of the other 96 percent of humanity.”
Krauthammer’s implication that 96 percent of the greenhouse gas problem
lies beyond the direct control of the United States is untrue, since,
while the United States may only account for 4 percent of the world’s
population, it emits 16 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
strategy to limit climate change does not assume that limiting American
emissions is a sufficient step to mitigate catastrophic climate change.
It assumes it is a necessary step to mitigate catastrophic climate change. Countries like India and China have, in fact, taken steps
to reduce their energy intensiveness. Given that those countries’ per
capita greenhouse gas emissions are a small fraction of ours, there is
no plausible or defensible path to securing an international agreement
without a commitment by the countries with the highest per-capita
emissions, like the U.S., to participate.
After an interlude from others on the panel, George Will jumps in:
There is, however, no evidence for the increase in extreme weather.
There is evidence that some extremes have changed
as a result of anthropogenic influences, including increases in
atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. It is likely that
anthropogenic influences have led to warming of extreme daily minimum
and maximum temperatures at the global scale. There is medium confidence
that anthropogenic influences have contributed to intensification of
extreme precipitation at the global scale. It is likely that there has
been an anthropogenic influence on increasing extreme coastal high water
due to an increase in mean sea level.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration concluded, somewhat more conclusively, “Human influences are having an impact on some extreme weather and climate events.”
Will continues:
I own a home on an island in South Carolina looking
south in the direction of hurricanes, and after Katrina I was really
interested when they said this is a harbinger of increased hurricane
activity, which since then has plummeted.
chance of a hurricane striking a given location is extremely variable.
The lack of major hurricanes striking the United States since 2005 is attributable to luck. It does not contradict any major scientific conclusions about climate change.
Now, Mr. Holdren, who introduced this report, has
his own record of very interesting failed forecasts, not to mention Al
Gore, who in 2008 said by 2013, for those of you keeping score at home,
that's last year, the ice cap in the North Pole would be gone. It's not.
It is not clear what failed Holdgren forecasts Will is referencing. Al Gore, in his 2007 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, said, “One
study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less
than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy
researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7
years.” As implied by Gore’s remarks, there is a high level
of uncertainty surrounding the pace of polar ice melting. There is
agreement about the general trend, which is clearly in the direction of more melting:
has, at times, highlighted the more pessimistic studies, which predict
ice-free summers in “five to seven years.” One time he paraphrased the
prediction as “five years,” leaving out the “to seven,” and this has
become a major talking point among climate-science skeptics.
Will continues:
Now, there is, as Charles says, the policy question
is how much wealth do we want to spend directly or in lost production
in order to have no discernible measurable effect on the climate? People
say, well, what about this report? There is a sociology of science.
Scientists are not saints in white laboratory smocks. They have got
interests like everybody else. If you want a tenure-track position in
academia, don't question the reigning orthodoxy on climate change. If
you want money from the biggest source of direct research in this
country, the federal government, don't question its orthodoxy. If you
want to get along with your peers, conform to peer pressure. This is
what's happening.
Will is arguing that climate scientists have been
massively corrupted by federal funding and peer pressure. (“They have
got interests like everybody else.”) He does not consider the
countervailing power of opposing financial interests that might lure
scientists to question of the scientific consensus, such as the
lucrative funding made available in the right-wing think-tank world. He
likewise discounts the possibility that scientists would find the lure
of being proven eventually correct to be a powerful reputational
incentive, let alone that they would actually care enough about being
right to disregard social and financial pressure. If Will has any
specific sense of how these social pressures survived the rigors of the
scientific method and peer review, he does not explicate them.
Will is then asked about the 97 percent of climate scientists who share the consensus analysis, and replies:
Who measured it? Where did that figure come from? They pluck these things from the ether. I do not.
It comes from a peer-reviewed study which found that 97.1 percent of scientific papers taking a position on anthropogenic climate change “endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming.” Will continues:
The New Yorker magazine, which is
impeccably upset about climate change, recently spoke about the report
from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as "the last word on
climate change." Now, try that phrase, "the last word on microbiology,
quantum mechanics, physics, chemistry." Since when does science come to
the end? The New Yorker has discovered the end of this. Who else has?
Will is referring to a blog post that appeared in The New Yorker
last October, and hinging a great deal of his argument on a pedantic
argument over what “the last word” means. Nothing in the post states or
implies that that the field of climate science will cease to grow and
evolve. It does imply that, like microbiology, quantum mechanics,
physics, and chemistry, its basic findings are a matter of consensus.
At this point, the host asks Krauthammer if he, too scoffs at the 97 percent figure. Krauthammer indeed scoffs:
99 percent of physicists convinced that space and
time were fixed until Einstein working in a patent office wrote a paper
in which he showed that they are not. I'm not impressed by numbers. I'm
not impressed by consensus. When I was a psychiatrist, I participated in
consensus conferences on how to define depression and mania. These are
things that people negotiate in the way you would negotiate a bill,
because the science is unstable, because in the case of climate, the
models are changeable, and because climate is so complicated.
It is hard to dispute this except to note that
Krauthammer here has taken a radically skeptical position not merely on
climate science, but on all science. His argument implies that no
scientific argument merits respect. Given the provisional and socially
constructed peer pressure driving the consensus theory of aerodynamics,
it is amazing that he is willing to travel in an airplane.
Krauthammer continues:
The idea that we who have trouble forecasting
what's going to happen on Saturday in the climate could pretend to be
predicting what's going to happen in 30, 40 years, is absurd.
Krauthammer is confusing the difference between
modeling the long-term impact of heat-trapping gasses with short-term
atmospheric fluctuations. Scientists are not forecasting precise daily
temperatures decades in advance.
Krauthammer proceeds to make his most radical argument against science:
And you always see that no matter what happens,
whether it's a flood or it's a drought, whether it's one — it's warming
or cooling, it's always a result of what is ultimately what we're
talking about here, human sin with the pollution of carbon. It's the
oldest superstition around. It was in the Old Testament. It's in the
rain dance of the Native Americans. If you sin, the skies will not
cooperate. This is quite superstitious, and I'm waiting for science
which doesn't declare itself definitive but is otherwise convincing.
Now climate science is not merely corrupt, but akin to superstition. Both he and Will return to this astonishing claim.
At this point, Will returns to his argument that climate science is fundamentally corrupt:
A moment ago, we had a report here on our crumbling
infrastructure, gave it a D, emergency. Who wrote it? As we said on
there, it was written by civil engineers, who said, by golly, we need more of what civil engineers do and are paid to do.
Again, there is a sociology of science, there is a sociology in all of
this, and engaging the politics of this, we have to understand the
enormous interests now invested in climate change.
Will here does not specifically extend his
critique of climate science to all sciences, but it surely applies. All
fields of sciences have a “sociology”; all receive government grants. If
those things can induce climate scientists to manufacture a false
consensus, the same effect can work just as well in any other scientific
To watch Will and Krauthammer grasp for rationales to cast
doubt on an established scientific field merely because its findings
pose a challenge to their ideological priors is a depressing, and even
harrowing, study in the poisonous effects of dogma upon a once-healthy
brain. They have amassed an impressive array of sound bites and
factoids, and can render them with convincing gravitas, and yet their
underlying reasoning is absolutely bonkers. The analogy Krauthammer
suggests of the rain man — an authority figure possessed of commanding
prestige despite lacking even rudimentary analytic powers — turns out to
be apt; only he is describing himself.
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