Friday, March 18, 2011

Tax breaks vs. slashed safety nets - "The InfoGrafik"

Center for American Progress:  House leaders are unfortunately restricting their proposed budget cuts for the remainder of fiscal year 2011 to nonsecurity discretionary spending in an attempt to tame a $1.3 trillion deficit. This approach is especially shortsighted since the Federal Treasury loses twice as much revenue due to tax breaks than Congress appropriates on all nonsecurity discretionary spending.
The chart below compares the 10 safety-net programs slated for deep cuts with the cost of the tax breaks that should also be considered for reduction or elimination to bring the budget into balance. The column on the left is a list of safety-net programs that have already been targets of the House leadership’s budget ax. The column on the right is the cost to specified tax breaks...

Surrendering the narrative

Krugman has a good column today on the apparent unwillingness of the White House and the Congressional Democrats to forcefully challenge the GOP's politics of "belt-tightening," and - amidst still staggeringly high, long-term unemployment numbers - to put creating jobs front and center of their agenda.  HERE.