Saturday, May 7, 2011

There's not much else to say...

If you missed this, here's Paul Krugman on the absolute lack of seriousness governing our economic agenda debates:
D.C. economic discourse is saturated with fear: fear of a debt crisis, of runaway inflation, of a disastrous plunge in the dollar. Scare stories are very much on politicians’ minds.
Yet none of these scare stories reflect anything that is actually happening, or is likely to happen. And while the threats are imaginary, fear of these imaginary threats has real consequences: an absence of any action to deal with the real crisis, the suffering now being experienced by millions of jobless Americans and their families...
Do the scare-mongers even believe their own stories? Maybe not...the politicians most given to apocalyptic rhetoric about the deficit are also utterly opposed to any tax increase; they argue that debt is destroying America, but they’d rather let that happen than accept even a dime of higher taxes. Yet the inconsistency and probable insincerity of their fear-mongering hasn’t stopped it from having a huge effect on policy debate...
Which brings me back to the destructive effect of focusing on invisible monsters. For the clear and present danger to the American economy isn’t what some people imagine might happen one of these days, it’s what is actually happening now.
Unemployment isn’t just blighting the lives of millions, it’s undermining America’s future. The longer this goes on, the more workers will find it impossible ever to return to employment, the more young people will find their prospects destroyed because they can’t find a decent starting job. It may not create excited chatter on cable TV, but the unemployment crisis is real, and it’s eating away at our society...

1 comment:

  1. The GOP can barely bring themselves to agree that killing OBL was a good idea. Their nonsensical word-association blather is like an avante-guard theater project to distract voters from the real legislative work done by lobbyists. The complete surrender of the field of rational debate has left Obama so much room that he is now effectively a Reagan-Democrat and the last best hope for liberal Americans.
