Friday, November 2, 2012

Remember, when "Morning Joe" et. al. blame Medicare for out-of-control costs, you are listening to people spreading ignorance


Cutting Medicare and Medicaid is a sure path to INCREASING the percentage of GDP the county spends on health care.  Most of the discussion about "entitlements" burdening our economy are based on utter disinformation or near-total ignorance.  Replacing Medicare with vouchers - or even raising the eligibility age - will explode health care costs.  Not just out-of-pocket for seniors, but in aggregate.

The "cure" of cutting Medicare and Medicaid can only mean one of two things - exploding health care costs as private insurers pick up market share and hospitals are burdened with the uninsured flooding emergency rooms, or people simply going without essential health care. 

There is definitely a need to control health care inflation in relation to our overall economy, but privatization via vouchers or raising the Medicare age take us in exactly the wrong direction, as the chart shows. Medicare and Medicaid do the best job of cost-control, compared to private insurance.

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