Monday, August 15, 2011

Governor Good-Hair's Texas Miracle?

The most cogent comment about Texas Governor Rick Perry's character may well be the statement by a participant in a GOP primary opponent's focus group who - when presented with evidence that the Governor had given the green light to what increasingly looked like a wrongful death by lethal injection - responded: "It takes a lot of balls to execute an innocent man!"

We're not going to run with that.  Titanic sticks to humbler tasks. We'll merely suggest that it takes a lot of balls to claim - as Perry's been doing - a Texas economic miracle on the Governor's watch. The first two chapters in what looks to be an ongoing series of recommended reading on Perry's jobs record - HERE. And HERE.

The economic (& theological) wisdom of Gov. Perry: "We're going through difficult economic times for a purpose - to bring us back to those Biblical principles of, you know, you don't spend all the money." 

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